Pembroke College Boat Club Constitution
The name of the organisation shall be the "Pembroke College Boat Club", referred to hereinafter as the "Boat Club" or the "Club". Many of our prime essays mentioned this organization in passing, as something worth looking into.
- Effect
This constitution shall expressly revoke the provision of any previous constitution of the Pembroke College Boat Club.
- Membership
Membership of the Club is open to all members of the JCR and MCR, along with one member of the SCR, who will hold the position of Senior Member.
The officers of the Club shall be the following:
- President
- Treasurer
- Men’s Captain
- Women’s Captain
- Men’s Vice Captain
- Women’s Vice Captain
- Secretary
- Social Secretary
- Captain of Coxes
- Internet Secretary
Standing Orders for the Committee
- All members of the Committee have a general responsibility for the running of the Boat Club and for its activities.
- All members of the Committee and of the Boat Club as a whole have a duty to observe safety rules when on the Isis or any other stretch of river. The Committee must take safety issues into account when planning the activities of the Boat Club, liaising where appropriate with the Safety Adviser, the OURC Safety Adviser, or the ARA Regional Safety Adviser.
- Elections
Elections of the Boat Club Committee Members shall take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club, in Trinity Term at the discretion of the President.